Monday, 31 October 2011

Bulletin Board

I'm also asked by various students about guitars they have for sale or amps and so on. So I'll be posting a bulletin board, just so some of you guys can mention stuff you want to sell or buy, or musicians for bands etc. It certainly saves me trying to remember everything! So I'll post the items as they are mentioned - watch this space.

String change!

As most of you know, since not being able to get Martin Special Performance strings I have been trying various electric guitar strings, and with the gypsy jazz and acoustic work I have also been trying various makes to try to get it as right as I can. After what is a couple of years - I can really recommend the Galli strings - they've all worked extremely well - and have been the answer to prayer on the gypsy jazz guitar - great sound and a third that lasts longer than three hours! That's been the hardest to get right - that balance between sound quality and tone, plus endurance which is particularly hard on a guitar of that construction. In fact, all my guitars have improved tone since I've started to use them - it's no mean feat!